Pantero. A peaceful, agricultural planet of the Rabit. Wiped out be the Haul. When Forne Rako gets into a position to stop the hopeless war, he has to decide whether to betray his own people or to kill billions of possibly innocent Haul.
During the battle at LC-5437, Forne Rako is shot down over an unhabited jungle world. He faces two major problems: To build a radio from rocks and plants and to reach his people without notifying the vicious Haul of his presence.
After a nerve-wrecking descend, Forne finds himself racing blind through the thick cloud layer of a jungle world. Without a working engine, he approaches a mountain ridge.
Due to his deadly injuries, General Rowarl can only wait for being rescued. When someone finally arrives, it's not the rescue team but a Rabit. And his behavior is extremely odd.
Admiral Martia Restino of the Rabit Space Force has to face her defeat. Should she stay longer, risking her crew, for the small chance to save a few pilots from the Haul or jump home immediately?
Forne realizes that the Haul in the capsule is not so dead as it seemed. Being the quick thinker he is, he immediately starts wondering how he can use this to as his advantage.